Grupy dyskusyjne   »   pl.soc.polityka   »   FIVU: Looking for evolving spears of enery along the process- cross science process captures

FIVU: Looking for evolving spears of enery along the process- cross science process captures

Data: 2009-07-11 12:54:11
Autor: Me
FIVU: Looking for evolving spears of enery along the process- cross science process captures

 Relevant for several science teams:

1. Neurobio-sciences and engineering of the specific units in the
   (functional and / or structural).

2. Interdisciplinary ecological groups working on CO@ and atmospheric
gases balances that
 we aproach from the standpoint of the water - how to make better and
or more lighter guality   water using the oceanic life, and help the
atmospere. Amazing congruence of visual captures was discovered and
teh warning was issuesd that the visula representaion as such is more
often only a 'process capture' (means Bushland do not just replicate
without checking what it is
made of)

3. Other

       ( army do not jitter-  i did not even finish the thought: onece
we are finances the imitted amount of army consultation might be
available; currently - use the offer on this line, in a pressing need:
payment has to be made up front; we do not answer army questions
remotely, as the responsibilty of scientist cannot be satisfied that
way - it incluudes making sure that you understnd the results and
applicability and translating it to your setting and or type of
question you pose; it is no less than $1000 per question / per day/per
scientist; we treat our serieus findings with the due respect)

Amazment continued when the tarantuala have reveled optimization of
the grounnd energy proicessing ( if I can put it this way) while
cleaning the enviiiron in the wide surrouding
ecological unitrs, using..... that very relatioship of the particles
that this article cross-references.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Title: Temperature-Sensitive Adhesive. By: Wilson, Jim, Brill, Louis,
Coledan, Stefano, Fillon, Mike, Gourley, Scott, Popular Mechanics,
00324558, Jan2002, Vol. 179, Issue 1

Database: Science Reference CenterHTML Full TextTEMPERATURE-SENSITIVE

PHOTO (COLOR): Unheated, the new adhesive has the look and feel of an
elastic band.


The coverging method that we use does not stop here - it starts here

Currently we do it only in face to face teams; It is not used here or
on the
satellites; as the connditions evolved we have to change th policy on
The scientists tha twork on on line teams were reported tortured even
in the Senate, kidbapped to Rider University;/. not paied for the work
did,  misapllied and disregarded. These form of abuse by CIA
related sources is under the scrutiny of public as CIA  defends it.
( we haaave problem with CIA on many   angles - their policy now is
teh secret but the news is that they never had anything as working
policy and that is how they can not even defend the  abuse with somne
minor internal neglect - they abus ethe proces programatically and dio
not mean to clear it.

The legislative matters surrounding such abuse scientists and the
reseach process
has been opened by me over a year ago and not attended by Reid ( the
leader of Senate,
still whilke the problems are mounting).

This very relatioship that we know about in physical sciences but
better if we also
see it ( as on the buttom of the ocean when was realized that the
arctic zones hold control far beyond the water there and all te way to
the atmosspheric gasses). This is one ote rexample how expossure will
not substitute for studying of the process theory.

                Information exchange blocking as conterrevolutionnary

Reference posted here for people to search it individulaly as Bushland
think that the public science data with the soorce quatation is not
under their ownership even thought they do not write the science into
the data bases - that nonse goes on and on. Internet releasees on the
whole are connsidered "already in the public domain".
        ( hackers distort editing)
       Fact of putting it in public on internet is alredy the
"expressed permision" to use it - if used for more than the class and
if the clas sneeds to wait till the EPSCO Busshland releases the
article to the class are fictitious issues. There be probably a few
assertive years before these attempts to steal the internet more
interesting resources , as if everybody stupid anyway,  will die of.
This isssue is old and is unlikelu that lawyers will litigate it - how
would than Bushland get data base in the first place - this particular
clan can not even think of the basics.

We can summarize te articles read but that  might be not necessary.

Bushland will  fall to own net many times first.

FIVU: Looking for evolving spears of enery along the process- cross science process captures

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