Grupy dyskusyjne   »   pl.soc.polityka   »   FIVU: New environmental open air cleaner aka TARANTULA CLEANER

FIVU: New environmental open air cleaner aka TARANTULA CLEANER

Data: 2009-06-29 10:12:21
Autor: Me
FIVU: New environmental open air cleaner aka TARANTULA CLEANER
On Jun 29, 10:53 am, Me <> wrote:
This one is based on the full circulation of particles. It is very
interesting – it can  draw wider cycle of environ when under the
stress, and clean all. It has been bounced towards the good air and no
air assault ( that has happened, perhaps by some misguided Army
detail) changes that  - only deepening     and widening of the cycle

While the classic cleaner that we made last summer called “Choco” has
been based in catching the stage when the particles are most matured
and synergize with the seasonal air fragrance, this one is independent
of the intruder wanting to stop it. It draws from all environmental
players and draws in    lots of living creatures and primarily bags.
Attention – bags clean environ only.

This one starts up the cycle  on plain water  with some variations
that are trade secret), while the
“ choco” starts up on the split light. Very interesting.

The capital area is cleaned by the draw from the “tarantula cleaner”
till of course successful invasion by Army, Nasa attack only enhanced
the cleaning in  the area, burned bush-  revived

Co pomaga stworzeniu localnego oczyszczacza natury
( troche eklektuczniw,m ale musze bronic niektoruych sekretow)

1. Likalizacja - skrzyzowanie albo bliskosc wielu lekkich prodow
powietrza; gniazdo oczyszczajace powyzej niskiego przeplywu - to
2. Szlachetne swieki w poblizu
3. Wiele budunkow ktore uzdatniaja powietrze z wysciem na nasz

4. Duzo przechodnow w wielu kierunkach.

5 Bliskopsc lekko naradiowanych objektow - Kapiatal i pomniki

6. Napad z powietrza ktory zainicjowal wzmocnione interakcje z

7. Nie wiem czy wrzcenie trucizny bylo konieczne ; przypuszczam ze nie

8. Nie wiem co NASA wrzucila poza tym ze podsuszyla krzaki, ale dalam
im 'lekka" wode do wchlaniania.

9. Ptaki, muchy i muszki, skorpiony popularne wielkie pszczoly kiedy
kwiaty kwitna ( moze pomaga jesli kwiaty sa
 biale - wplywa to na gre niewidzialnych kolorow)

10. Temperatua spadla okolo 10 stopni i spowodowala uprzjemniajacy
efekt u przechodniow czy pracujacych w okolicy
 - mozliwe ze w wojnie czastek - reakcje mozgow odgrywaja duzop
wieksza role niz my chcemy przyznac - zaczelo sie samnowzmacnianie

11. Cyclicznosc "wojny" - w innych miejscach Gates przyslal ludzi do
popodcinania galezi i zatrucia korzeni poze nuklerneymi atakami
     z powietrza, ale tylko czesciowo wygral z natura; cyklicznoc
jesnak zostala zmieniona ( zarozno na lepsze hjak im na goprsze
     ale nie moge dawac wieclej clues); a tu pajaki, 2 tarantule i
popularne wielkie karaluchy zapobigly temu.

12. Nie wiem czy lightning bugs" ( swietliki i pasi koniki ) sa
konieczna dla podtrzymana efektow ; na pewno pomagaja.

13. Wzmacnialam kazdy z tym efektow na miejscu

14. Inne


O oto co natychmiast zauwazona o Bajkale:

The climate of East Siberia is acutely continental, but the enormous
mass of water in Baikal and its mountainous surroundings create an
unusual microclimate. Baikal acts like a large thermo-stabilizer - in
winter it's warmer at Baikal, and in summer cooler, for example, than
in Irkutsk, some 70 km away from the lake. The difference in
temperature is usually around 10 degrees. The forests covering almost
the entire coast of Baikal make a considerable contribution to this

Animal life

There are more than 2600 species and varieties of animal and over 1000
species of plants in Baikal. From time to time new species are
discovered. There is reason to believe that at present only some
70-80% of Baikal's living organisms are known to science. In former
times, when Russian science was not yet in its present state of coma,
on average some 10 species were discovered annually.

About 40% of the plants and 85% of animal species inhabiting open
Baikal are endemic, that is, they are found only in Baikal. Living
organisms are distributed right from the surface of the lake to its
very deepest parts. There are 58 species of fish in the lake. The best
known being omul, white-fish, grayling, huchen (salmon trout),
sturgeon, «golomyanka» - the Baikal oilfish, and «lenok», a fish of
the salmon family. Some 2000 species of plant grow on Baikal's shores,
and 200 species of bird nest there. A typically marine mammal, the
unique Baikal seal or nerpa, is found here. It is suggested that it
came here from the Arctic Ocean along the rivers Yenisei and Angara.
Its present population numbers a few tens of thousands. It can bee
seen quite frequently in summer in the central and northern parts of
the lake.

FIVU: New environmental open air cleaner aka TARANTULA CLEANER

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