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Gdyby President Ford byl Zydem

Data: 2013-02-13 12:43:21
Autor: AC
Gdyby President Ford byl Zydem

Re: JAK POTOCZYLABY SIE HISTORIA JEZELI PRESDIENT FORD BYLBY ZYDEM ( wycofalby sie z oblezenia Stalingradu czy nie)

On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 3:37:14 PM UTC-5, ME wrote:
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  ( in which case I do not have as strong case of grievance as before that Americans were suppose to be better off if I am a child of an American and the President - he was sure though) Hidden Jews story from Lydia, later Anatolia, later Babylon,now  Turkey;I have at lest one leg from there and he?) That is how we were to just fill in on the numerous application then not just "White" but "Caucasian";  what that about Caucasus; now we know -it is  Lydia and Freesia at the foot of Caucasus; the actual Arc of Noah be in Lydia that became geographical depression. Jesus found it out. 'HISTORIA JUDIA CABALA CALENDARIO DE FESTIVIDADES CARTAS DEL LECTOR COCINA JUDIA CONTACTO AL EDITOR EDUCACION JUDIA GUIAS DE LA VIDA HISTORIETAS LECTURAS SEMANALES DE TORAJ LIBROS JUDIOS MARKETPLACE NOTICIAS Y OPINIONES PRACTICAS MODERNAS PREGUNTAS PUNTO DE VISTA RECURSOS SEFARDI REVISIONES TEMA CENTRAL TIKKUM OLAM WWW.SIMCHAPERFECTMATCH.CA //you're reading... SECRET JEWS, SEFARDI-JEWISH TOPICS The story of the Anusim or the Secret Jews POSTED BY ANNI OREKH â‹… JANUARY 30, 2012         â‹… LEAVE A COMMENT FILED UNDER  ANUSIM, CRYPTO JEWS, EL EDICTO DE EXPULSIÓN EN ESPAÑA DE JUDIOS DE LOS REYES CATÓLICOS, EXILIO, INQUISION ESPAÑOLA, INTERESES, INVESTIGACIÓN Y DIFUSIÓN DE LA CULTURA SEFARDÃ, ISRAEL, JEWS BY HERITAGE, LA “CASTA DE JUDÃOS NUEVOS, LAS CONTROVERSIAS RELIGIOSAS ENTRE JUDÃOS Y CATOLICOS, LOS CONVERSOS, LOS ESTATUTOS DE LIMPIEZA DE SANGRE ESPAÑOLES, LOS JUDÃOS HOLANDESES, RECOPILACIÓN DE LAS LEYES DE INDIAS, SANTO OFICIO, SEPHARDIC AND CRYPTO-JEWISH IDENTITY, SEPHARDIC CONVERSOS, SEPHARDIC JEWS, SEPHARDIM AND SEPHARDICA, SEPHARDIM COMMUNITIES, SUS DESCENDIENTES Y A LOS RECONCILIADOS POR LA INQUISICIÓN, THE STORY OF THE ANUSIM- THE SECRET JEWS, TRIBUNALES DE LA INQUISION I strongly recommend that  all research a fascinating and tragic period of Jewish history that stretched for more than three hundred years yet is little known. The story of the Anusim, the Secret Jews, is a valuable and significant, yet rarely discovered, most people is sort of inform on the Holocaust but the Inquision of  Jewish was an  event that, in its world range, the numbers of Jews killed or affected by it for centuries can be called the longest genocide in world history. I refer to the fate of the Spanish and Portugese Jews at the hands of the Spanish Inquisition. The campaign of the Catholic Church to eliminate the Jews went beyond the borders of Spain and Portugal. The plague of Anti-semitism swept through north Africa, across the Atlantic to South and Central America, and to the Caribbean in pursuit of the Jews. Under threat of deportation, torture, and death by being burnt alive at the stake many Jews adopted an overt Christian image while covertly maintaining their Jewish rituals and prayers. I attended “The Worldwide Awakening of the Descendents of the Secret Jews: Conference . This major conference marked the launch of a new international institute for the study of Anusim (the Secret Jews) at the Netanya Academic College. Gloria Mound, an impressive English lady who has just moved to Netanya to be close to the college, has researched this subject for decades compiling an impressive two thousand five hundred books and over five thousands documents and files that record a cruel oppression of the Jews that outstrips in time and range anything seen in human history. Her archives will be a precious addition to the research centre but, as one important speakers at the conference pointed out, research is insufficient if it is not linked to practical application. This should apply to the Anusim who should be encouraged to openly adopt their heritage to the extent of making Aliyah to Israel. Early research reveals a startling statistic that as many as six million Portugese were descended from Anusim (Secret Jews). Even today many thousands of Spanish speakers on three continents are fearful or wary of announcing their Jewish heritage. Others are not aware that they have Jewish blood in their veins as this part of their history has been kept from them for generations out of fear, and out of shame. The Spanish Government is loath to open its official archives to researchers of this horrendous period in Spanish history. The Vatican, similarly, keep documents and records secreted away in the Vatican vaults. Increasingly, though, Anusim people are making their way to Israel to fulfill a new life that had been forbidden for hundreds of years to their family. And here lies another problem. Israeli authorities do not know how to receive these people. Are they truly Jewish and welcome in the Jewish state under the Law of Return? Or are they, as they publicly claimed, really Catholics?  The feeling at the conference was that Israel should welcome these people home with open arms. They have suffered centuries of persecution for holding secretly to their faith and it should not be down to local politicians or bureaucrats to question the ambition of these people to come and live as free Jews in a state of their own. I knew about the Spanish Inquisition but never fully appreciated the scope and size of the persecution of the Jews. I read a book tantilisingly called “The Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean†when I was on vacation that opened my eyes to this episode of history. Now this conference revealed more amazing stories and detail. Please research this rich and dramatic story and be prepared to be moved by the human tragedies, tales of ingenuity, and learn about a period of Jewish history long forgotten but slowly being discovered. The effect of its telling will affect Israel, the Jewish people, and Christian in general  conscience."

( nie wszyscy wiedza ze przed wojna St Pitersburg;Petersburd,Piotrograd mowi glownie po polsku i dlaczego; ja to sobie przypomnialam z wlasnego doswiadczenia)

Gdyby President Ford byl Zydem

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