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Izrael planuje zab贸jstwa ira艅skich naukowc 贸w

Data: 2015-08-09 10:29:59
Autor: u2
Izrael planuje zab贸jstwa ira艅skich naukowc 贸w

Israeli defence minister says he is 'not responsible' for lives of Iranian nuclear scientists following historic US-Iran deal

Five Iranian nuclear scientists have died in car bombs although Israel has never been officially linked to these deaths

Israel鈥檚 Defence Minister has appeared to imply that his country is prepared to assassinate Iran鈥檚 nuclear scientists following a historic deal with the West.

Moshe Ya鈥檃lon, the former chief of staff of the Israeli Defence Forces, gave a damning assessment of the nuclear agreement between Iran and a number of western nations in an interview with German newspaper Der Spiegel.

The 65-year-old minister condemned the deal, reportedly telling the newspaper 鈥渦ltimately it is very clear, one way or another; Iran鈥檚 nuclear programme must be stopped.鈥

Asked whether Iran would see further deaths of its nuclear scientists, he allegedly told the newspaper: "We should be ready to defend ourselves. I鈥檓 not responsible for the lives of Iranian scientists."
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Mr Ya鈥檃lon鈥檚 comments following a deal signed between Iran and the US, UK, China, France, Germany and Russia on 14 July that promised to control Iran鈥檚 nuclear enrichment programme in exchange for sanctions relief.

The deal 鈥 hammered out over months of fraught negotiations and still awaiting approval from both US and Iranian political houses 鈥 has brought US-Israeli relations to a new low, with Benjamin Netanyahu鈥檚 government staunchly opposing the agreement.

Mr Ya鈥檃lon, who is noted for his conservative right-wing views in the Israeli parliament, apparently said that Israel 鈥渟hould be ready to defend鈥 itself and that his country 鈥渨ould act in any way鈥.

Five Iranian scientists have died in car bombings and although Israel was blamed by Iran, the country has never admitted to any involvement in the scientists鈥 deaths.
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A CBS report last year claimed that the Obama administration had leant heavily on the Israeli government over the deaths of the scientists 鈥 the most recent in 2013 鈥 as talks approached a critical juncture.

Mr Ya鈥檃lon also poured scorn over hopes that partially lifting sanctions would facilitate a liberal movement within Iran. There is 鈥渘ot going to be any Iranian spring,鈥 he said. 鈥淎nd you can forget about McDonald's in Tehran.鈥

General Skalski o zydach w UB :

"Rozanski, Zyd, kanalia najgorszego gatunku, razem z Brystigerowa, Fejginami, to wszystko (...) nie byli ludzie."

prof. PAN Krzysztof Jasiewicz o zydach :

"Zydow gubi brak umiaru we wszystkim i przekonanie, ze sa narodem
wybranym. Czuja sie oni upowaznieni do interpretowania wszystkiego,
takze doktryny katolickiej. Cokolwiek bysmy zrobili, i tak bedzie
poddane ich krytyce - za malo, ze zle, ze zbyt malo ofiarnie. W moim
najglebszym przekonaniu szkoda czasu na dialog z Zydami, bo on do
niczego nie prowadzi... Ludzi, ktorzy uzywaj膮 slow 'antysemita',
'antysemicki', nalezy traktowac jak ludzi niegodnych debaty, ktorzy
usiluja niszczyc innych, gdy brakuje argumentow merytorycznych. To oni
tworza mowe nienawisci".

Izrael planuje zab贸jstwa ira艅skich naukowc 贸w

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