Grupy dyskusyjne   »   pl.soc.polityka   »   Jak elektrownie wêglowe poratowa³y UK w upa³y

Jak elektrownie wêglowe poratowa³y UK w upa³y

Data: 2020-08-13 02:03:49
Autor: A. Filip
Jak elektrownie wêglowe poratowa³y UK w upa³y
Heatwave brings wind turbines to standstill and causes gas plants to
; Wed 12 Aug 2020 National Grid has fired up a coal-fired power station for the first
time in 55 days after Britain's record-breaking heatwave [...]
Electricity supplies have become tighter than expected during the
heatwave because gas-fired power stations have struggled to generate
electricity at their maximum capacity owing to the unusually high
temperatures. At the same time wind turbines have slowed because of
low wind speeds. [...]

A. Filip : Pij mleko!!
| B³±d chwili staje siê trosk± ca³ego ¿ycia.  (Przys³owie chiñskie)

Jak elektrownie wêglowe poratowa³y UK w upa³y

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