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Koniec USA!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Data: 2009-08-12 11:39:18
Autor: timemachine
Koniec USA!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
M贸wi膮c kr贸tko, w艂adze USA PODOBNO ustali艂y na 12-15 Pa藕dziernika albo stan wojenny, albo co艣 w tym rodzaju.

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Czy偶by si臋 zaczyna艂o!?

呕o艂nierze raportuj膮 treningi przeciwko cywilnym zamieszkom!

Otrzymali rozkazy na jakie艣 wydarzenia w przysz艂ym miesi膮cu!!!

Filmy po angielsku...



Wed艂ug moich informacji oraz teorii, jakie s艂ysza艂em czy czyta艂em, plan zbrodniczego rz膮du USA jest oczywisty. Za pomoc膮 presji ekonomicznej sprowokowa膰 strajki i zamieszki, wprowadzi膰 stan wojenny oraz zamkn膮膰 w obozach koncentracyjnych przeciwnik贸w NWO.

Wprowadzi膰 oddzia艂y wojsk z zagranicy i odebra膰 Amerykanom bro艅.

Po to zrobiono ca艂y ten kryzys.

Celem jest odebranie broni na wypadek, gdyby Amerykanie wystapili przeciwko NWO oraz rz膮dowi.

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Znacznie wi臋cej po angielsku. Prosz臋 sprawdzi膰 linki, poniewa偶 mo偶na to automatycznie t艂umaczy膰 na angielski.

Artyku艂 poni偶szy to tre艣膰 przem贸wienia z 1 Sierpnia 2009 Lyndona LaRouche'a, niezwykle kontrowersyjnego polityka USA, kt贸re odsiedzia艂 kilka tak za swoje (podobno) radykalne pogl膮dy polityczne oraz zbyt trafne zapowiadanie tego w艂a艣nie kryzysu finansowego.

Tyle 'demokracji' dla Lyndona LaRouche'a.

Jest on uwa偶any przez wielu fachowc贸w za geniusza ekonomicznego. Facet tego kalibru, 偶e jeszcze nikt nie udowoni艂 mu braku profesjonalizmu czy pomy艂ki.

Wyszydzano jedynie jego programy polityczne. Kandydowa艂 wielokrotnie na prezydenta USA, ale pod wp艂ywem ostrych atak贸w pro syjonistycznych medi贸w (podobnie by艂o z Ron Paulem!) nigdy nie osi膮gn膮艂 tego celu.

Poni偶ej cz臋艣膰 jego przem贸wienia, reszta w linku poni偶ej...

The Fall of the House of Windsor

Lyndon LaRouche gave this webcast address from Northern Virginia, on Aug. 1, 2009. The webcast was hosted by LaRouche's national spokeswoman Debra Freeman. The entire webcast is archived at

The crisis point from which to reference the present U.S. and world situation, is the period from the 2nd of October through about the 10th or 12th of October of this year. As of that time, the already, totally hopelessly bankrupt United States will have crashed entirely, politically, and will be in a process of disintegration鈥攗nless that process has started earlier. And it could start very early, in this present month of August.

For example: To understand the politics of the situation, you have about 30%, or more, of the entire population, that is, the labor force, that is unemployed. One-third of that group, about one-third, is actually receiving compensation for unemployment, or is about to receive it, technically. The other two-thirds are not. This amount is increasing at a rate, monthly, of up to 800,000, a million people, or more. This is the way it's going. The only reason the unemployment rate tends to decrease, is because the number of employed people is decreasing. By the end of August, this will be a catastrophe.

This is now the beginning of a riotous period, as the members of Congress鈥攐r the dis-members of Congress鈥攂ecome dismembered and go back to their home states, where they are going to be hiding from the citizens there, who are about to lynch them.

Wall Street and the rest of the world is completely in a world of unreality. The President is clinically insane鈥擨 can say that's not an exaggeration, that's a matter of fact. This guy is not in the real world. And he's not good, he's evil. There's no question that his policies on health care are absolutely identical to those of Adolf Hitler, beginning officially September of 1939: a policy which Hitler had intended earlier, as he had said, but he didn't dare introduce it, until the war had started, because he believed that only under wartime conditions could he get by with a stunt like that.

So, we're dealing with a President, who is committed deliberately to a policy of genocide! And if you look at the way Hitler's policy of genocide proceeded, from September, especially from Oct. 1, of that year, until the end, till the end of him, you see that the Obama and his friends in London鈥攂ecause he's run from London, not the from United States; he's run by the British monarchy, not by the voters of the United States鈥攁re moving exactly in that direction. If you don't stop Obama's health-care policy now, you will not have a United States. You will have something worse than Hitler produced, because it will be on a global scale, not limited to some part of the planet.

So therefore, we have to change these things, and change them now.

- Catastrophe Is Increasing -

But! As of October 2nd-10th, approximately, this system is finished. The states are bankrupt! The rate of unemployment is increasing! Catastrophe is increasing! There will never be a recovery of the present world monetary system! There will never be a recovery of the economy, under the present financial system! It is impossible. We're finished! Unless we change.

Now, I first announced this problem, that we had turned into a breakdown crisis of the United States' economy, on the 25th, 27th of July 2007. Three days later, that began鈥攚ith what liars call the "subprime crisis." What actually happened was the beginning of a general breakdown crisis of the international financial-monetary system.

And the crack came at the weakest point in the whole system, which was the subprime region. Now the subprime region was simply a region, where they had extended real estate debt, as a way of trying to prop up this system temporarily. And therefore, they went into the so-called subprime area, where people were overindebted, and could never pay these things, simply as a way of trying to build up credibility for credit to maintain what was called Wall Street, and the international system of that type. Three days after I said this was going to happen, it happened. And it's happened all the way through, to the present time. This system, this entire financial system, is finished.

Now, what they did was worse: I prescribed at that point, measures of national bankruptcy reorganization, of a Roosevelt type. If those things had been adopted, then鈥攁nd there was a big popularity for some of this in the United States in that period鈥攎any local citizenries voted for my proposal, on a Homeowners and Bank Protection Act. It was killed. There were leading Senators and others; there were leading governors and others, who were for this! But it was killed. It was killed in the Congress; it was killed from the White House: They went for bailout!

As a result of the bailout, and the continuation of that bailout policy, and the looting of our banks, which was done by these people鈥攊nstead of protecting the banks, instead of protecting the homeowners, they looted them! They looted the economy. They destroyed the economy!

We have one-third, approximately, of our labor force in jeopardy. One-third of that one-third is now receiving unemployment compensation or similar compensation. Two-thirds are not! Now, what happens to people, if they don't get some succor over the coming months, the coming two months, August and September? How are they going to live, if they have absolutely no income? This is a growing part of the population, in this condition. What do you think is going to happen to those members of Congress, when they get back to their districts now? After the closing of the session of the House of Representatives and the closing of the Senate? What are the citizens doing to them now?

The citizens out there are ready to lynch the members of Congress鈥攊ncluding members of Congress, who for a long time they have supported, again and again, in terms in office! And these once-popular, once-unchallengeable members of Congress, are now about to be lynched by their closest constituents back home. Why? Because you have people who have no means to live! Because of this Obama Administration! This Obaminable Administration. Call him Barry Obaminable. This is our situation.

- Our People Are Starving -

More in links...

Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche, Jr. (born September 8, 1922) is an American self-styled economist,[1] a political activist, and the founder of several political organizations, known collectively as the LaRouche movement. He has been a perennial candidate for President of the United States, having run in eight elections since 1976, once as a U.S. Labor Party candidate and seven times as a candidate for the Democratic Party nomination.

There are sharply contrasting opinions on LaRouche. Supporters have described him as the greatest living economist,[2] and a political leader in the tradition of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Martin Luther King.[3][4] Critics have called him an extremist,[5] a conspiracy theorist, [6] a political cult leader,[7] a fascist,[8] and/or an antisemite.[9] The Heritage Foundation has said that he "leads what may well be one of the strangest political groups in American history".[10][11] In 1984, LaRouche's research staff was described by Norman Bailey, a former senior staffer of the National Security Council, as "one of the best private intelligence services in the world".[11]

LaRouche was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment in 1988 for conspiracy to commit mail fraud and tax code violations, but continued his political activities from behind bars until his release in 1994 on parole. His defense attorney, Ramsey Clark, a former U.S. Attorney General, argued that the case represented an unprecedented abuse of power by the U.S. government in an effort to destroy the LaRouche organizations.[12] LaRouche and his defenders believe the prosecution was a politically motivated conspiracy involving government officials, numerous others, and a mass-media brainwashing campaign.[13]

LaRouche is currently listed as a director and contributing editor of the Executive Intelligence Review News Service, part of the LaRouche movement.[14] He has written extensively on economic, scientific, and political topics as well as on history, philosophy, and psychoanalysis.
His web site -

Data: 2009-08-12 11:37:40
Autor: Aron
Koniec USA!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
koniec USA w obecnej postaci , to koniec Izraela a na to cywilizowany swiat nigdy sie nie zgodzi !.


Koniec USA!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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