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Nie tylko sondażownie w Polsce spierdolić potrafią POKAZOWO ;-) [wybory USA]

Data: 2016-11-12 08:12:06
Autor: A. Filip
Nie tylko sondażownie w Polsce spierdolić potrafią POKAZOWO ;-) [wybory USA]
Media Culpa? The Press and the Election Result
By John Cassidy , November 11, 2016 [...]
There was a straightforward reason for all the skepticism about Trump's
chances: when you looked at the state-level polling, it looked like
Clinton's "blue wall" was holding. Take Wisconsin, which turned out to
be a state that Trump won. The Huffington Post's polling database lists
the results of more than thirty polls that were taken in the Badger
State since June: Trump didn't lead in any of them. Three of the final
four surveys showed Clinton ahead by six points or more, and the
Huffpollster poll average put her lead at 6.3 percentage points [1]. Trump
carried the state by one point. In other key states, the pattern was
similar. The final Huffington Post poll averages showed Trump losing by
nearly six points in Michigan [2], and by four points in Pennsylvania [3].

Niby sondażownie w Polsce powinny podkreślać "nie tylko my potrafimy
spierdolić" ale jak ludzie będą pamiętać za bardzo spierdolone sondaże
to ich wartość "nie wzrośnie" ;-)

A. Filip : Jedna Europa, jedna Merkel, jedna "nieświetlana" przyszłość.
Ja i mój brat jesteśmy przeciw kuzynowi, ale my trzej stoimy razem
przeciw reszcie świata.  (Przysłowie afgańskie)

Nie tylko sondażownie w Polsce spierdolić potrafią POKAZOWO ;-) [wybory USA]

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