Grupy dyskusyjne   »   pl.soc.polityka   »   Nowy WspaniaƂy Rok 2016 w Merkel-landzie Dzikszym Codziennie: 2016-01-10 Kolonia 516 (2 gwaƂty), Hamburg 133

Nowy WspaniaƂy Rok 2016 w Merkel-landzie Dzikszym Codziennie: 2016-01-10 Kolonia 516 (2 gwaƂty), Hamburg 133

Data: 2016-01-10 19:52:45
Autor: A. Filip
Nowy WspaniaƂy Rok 2016 w Merkel-landzie Dzikszym Codziennie: 2016-01-10 Kolonia 516 (2 gwaƂty), Hamburg 133
Pani kanclerz gratuluje dalej trwających dynamicznych wzrostów oczywiƛcie bez
ĆŒadnych związkĂłw z jej jedynie sƂuszną polityką.
| Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:06pm EST
| Growing scale of Cologne attacks stokes German debate on migrants
| [...] In Cologne, police said on Sunday that 516 criminal complaints had been
| filed by individuals or groups in relation to assaults on New Year's Eve,
| while police in Hamburg said 133 similar charges had been lodged with the
| north German city.
| Frankfurt also registered complaints, although far fewer. [...]
| Police in the northern German city of Hamburg said they have recorded 133 cases
| of offences including sexual assaults allegedly committed against women during
| New Year's celebrations. [...] But victims have described the perpetrators as
| having "African, Arab, or south European appearance", a police spokesman said.
| [...]
| Germany was stunned this week by a rash of assaults during New Year's
| festivities, with Cologne police recording 516 cases that ranged from groping
| to theft to two reported rapes.
| Of the cases filed in Cologne, 40% relate to sexual assault

A. Filip : Jedna Europa, jedna Merkel.
Jak się nie zmęczysz, nie odpoczniesz.  (PrzysƂowie albaƄskie)

Nowy WspaniaƂy Rok 2016 w Merkel-landzie Dzikszym Codziennie: 2016-01-10 Kolonia 516 (2 gwaƂty), Hamburg 133

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