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Sabaton - polscy piloci w walce o Anglie.

Data: 2011-08-05 17:15:27
Autor: Grzegorz Z.
Sabaton - polscy piloci w walce o Anglie.
obserwator napisał:

..nasi piloci byli najodwaznieszymi bojownikami o wolnosc Anglii.
RadSik - plugawi i hanbi pamiec o polskich pilotach.

A pamiętasz jak wasi koledzy-narodowcy tyle że z British National Party
"splugawli" ich "pamięć" swoją ignorancją?


The party's 2009 European Elections poster shows a nostalgic picture of a
Second World War fighter plane under the slogan "Battle for Britain".

But RAF history experts have identified the iconic Romeo Foxtrot Delta
Plane as belonging not to Britons but to a group of Polish pilots instead.

The plane was actually flown by the celebrated 303 Squadron of the RAF –
made up of Polish airmen rescued from France shortly before Nazi

BNP party chiefs defended their use of the image and insisted they knew all
about the background.

However, John Hemming, MP for Yardley, Birmingham, blasted the far right
party for using the image to front a campaign which includes stemming
immigration from Poland. He said: "The BNP often get confused and this happens because they haven't
done their research. This is just another example of them getting it wrong.

"They have a policy to send Polish people back to Poland – yet they are
fronting their latest campaign using this plane.

"It is absurd to make claims about Englishness and Britishness fronted by
this image.

"It's obvious they just picked an image at random and they are really
clutching at straws if they say this was deliberate."  (...)

Data: 2011-08-05 16:16:23
Autor: obserwator
Sabaton - polscy piloci w walce o Anglie.
Grzegorz Z. <> napisał(a):
ti-immigration-poster.html juz obecna polityka, ale chyba nie doczytales do konca wklejony tekst.

Oni nie kwestionuja bohaterstwa polskich pilotow i ich ani nie opluwaja ani
nie hanbia tak, jak robi to obecny Minister Spraw Zagranicznych z PO - Radsik

Tego typu wypowiedzi ktorymi sie popisuje, nie pomagaja polskim emigrantom,
tylko wpisuja sie w ta antyemigracyjan polityke Wiekliej Brytani. Zaden minister ktory reprezentuje dany narod, tak sie nie zachowuje.

To idiota albo zdrajca.

*The 303 Squadron was the most effective Polish squadron during the Second
World War.

Its pilots were the only representatives of the Polish Army invited to the
London Victory Parade in 1946. *


Sabaton - polscy piloci w walce o Anglie.

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