Grupy dyskusyjne   »   pl.soc.polityka   »   Szpieg


Data: 2019-01-30 16:53:49
Autor: u2
I'm a spy in the house of love.
I know the dream, that you're dreamin' of.
I know the word that you long to hear.
I know your deepest, secret fear.
I'm a spy in the house of love.
I know the dream, that you're dreamin' of.
I know the word that you long to hear.
I know your deepest, secret fear.
I know everything. Everything you do.
Everywhere you go. Everyone you know.
I'm a spy in the house of love.
I know the dream, that you're dreamin' of.
I know the word that you long to hear.
I know your deepest, secret fear.
I know your deepest, secret fear.
I know your deepest, secret fear.
I'm a spy, I can see What you do.
And I know.
General Skalski o zydach w UB :

"Rozanski, Zyd, kanalia najgorszego gatunku, razem z Brystigerowa, Fejginami, to wszystko (...) nie byli ludzie."

George Orwell :

"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear"


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