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The Polish Media Issues group (PMI), Patriae Fidelis (Polish Youth Association in Great Britain) and Reduta Dobrego Imienia (Polish Anti-Defamation League)

Data: 2013-11-15 06:53:49
Autor: Fortunski
The Polish Media Issues group (PMI), Patriae Fidelis (Polish Youth Association in Great Britain) and Reduta Dobrego Imienia (Polish Anti-Defamation League)
The Polish Media Issues group (PMI), Patriae Fidelis (Polish Youth Association in Great Britain) and Reduta Dobrego Imienia (Polish Anti-Defamation League)

The Polish Media Issues group (PMI), Patriae Fidelis (Polish Youth
Association in Great Britain)
 and Reduta Dobrego Imienia (Polish Anti-Defamation League)

Please see attached official
Press Release
by Polish Media Issues Group
Postal address:
PMI via Support Poland Limited, 49 Castle Rise, Cardiff, CF3 4BB, Wales
Alternative e-mail:
Website: (currently being rebuilt)

Please forward to others you believe might be interested


The Polish Media Issues group (PMI), Patriae Fidelis (Polish Youth
Association in Great Britain) and Reduta Dobrego Imienia (Polish
Anti-Defamation League) with the blessing of much of the Polish community in
the United Kingdom are continuing their justified campaign against the
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).

The BBC is failing the large Polish community here and abroad by
broadcasting biased programmes along with factually inaccurate and
opinionated views about Poland and by allowing the inclusion of insulting
material across all their media including their website. This combined with
no programmes to support the Polish community in the UK is forcing action
against them.

Amongst the issues are:

The TV programme 'Stadiums of Hate' which portrayed Poland as a place where
intolerance and racism lie just below the surface.

The apparent 'institutional amnesia' regarding Polish achievements such as
the breaking of the German Enigma code and discovering the Earth orbits the

The disregard of undertakings not to make statements about 'Polish
concentration camps', since Poles did not set up or run such camps (as this
implies) but were among the victims of 'German' or 'Nazi German' camps such
as Auschwitz.

The BBC has an apparent contempt for the Polish community and its culture.
With Polish now being the second most spoken language in the UK, at the end
of 2012 the BBC closed the only regular Polish language programme.

A litmus test will be the showing of Generation War (Unsere Muetter, Unsere
Vaeter). This clearly biased German drama is to be shown by end of 2013 on
BBC2. The Polish community should expect the BBC to cut the offensive parts
or at least put enough context to point out the lies in the drama. We hope
for the best but plan for the worst.

Following protests in September, the second wave of protest will take place
in the United Kingdom, United States and Poland on 16th November 2013. In
the UK the main event will be at 11am outside Broadcasting House, Portland
Street, London. Further actions at regional and London offices are planned
to start on 30th November 2013.

Those interested in further details should contact the PMI.

Postal address:
PMI via Support Poland Limited, 49 Castle Rise, Cardiff, CF3 4BB, Wales
Alternative e-mail:
Website: (currently being rebuilt)

-- END -- es.
I can send you PDFs of the material to date.

Our biggest project to date is a booklet (8 pages plus cover) regarding the
BBC coverage of WWII Poland. It is part of our work to influence the BBC
over them showing Unsere Mütter, Unsere Väter. We have printed 5,000 copies.
This is supported by 25,000 flyers in English. The bulk will be given away
outside the BBC head office with the rest give to regional BBC offices and
the Polonia in the UK. We also have 25,000 flyers in Polish to generate
support for the action.

Would you be interested in the action against the BBC? Could xxxx run a
protest in yyyy?
Can I post details on your zzzzz? There are many roles or you may care to do
your own action.
Together the Polonia can influence the BBC.

The Polish Media Issues group (PMI), Patriae Fidelis (Polish Youth Association in Great Britain) and Reduta Dobrego Imienia (Polish Anti-Defamation League)

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