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U nas nie mozna nic powiedziec na Prezydenta jak soe zabawia w kryminaliste

Data: 2009-09-05 14:14:57
Autor: Me
U nas nie mozna nic powiedziec na Prezydenta jak soe zabawia w kryminaliste
             "ATLANTIC" has Obama praising the illegal behavior and
irony about what
              the Bushland tries to push through the so called "health

The lengthy articles seem to collect every point where the private
service area is to fall and the government also not good, so just let
give organs to Bushland without any legal process ( if I can
paraphrase that that way)

Please check how they reach the conclusion that nothing is going to
work, thus violate the people more in te health care situations.

they all seem to like to produce people indiscriminately for real and
not for any joke.

Mr Obama is not eligible to be presenting illegal behaviors to the
public, ironic or not;
but in this care the push the illegality for real. Mr. Obama is netter
off with being real and legal.

Ordinarily, if Mr Obama disagreed with te article he has a power to
stop it any time. He chose to be famous of the phony and real law
breaker fame now. Law here  is about the fidelity of the marriage and
producing humans
outside of the family.

U nas nie mozna nic powiedziec na Prezydenta jak soe zabawia w kryminaliste

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