Grupy dyskusyjne   »   pl.soc.polityka   »   Uzywajac Hayka, Gingricza i innych robimy im "reinvented will" * * that they need.

Uzywajac Hayka, Gingricza i innych robimy im "reinvented will" * * that they need.

Data: 2012-01-17 07:32:29
Autor: AC
Uzywajac Hayka, Gingricza i innych robimy im "reinvented will" * * that they need.
        "Poor people" ( biedacy) USA nie poradzili.

Note that he delivered only part. It is about time!

It  is about tiome to have American Pucket in Pittsburg ( but there
closing fast after British counter - locking the airlines from landing
at Pittsburg)

The rest how - ios on the soc culture usa. ( the offenders manage to
hide this group that I use for promoting the political ideas, as it is
a designation of this group).

The other thing about Pennsylvania - it needs tghe nice fix in the
rural areas.

Under the screen name " American Pucket" the busines packaging ,
expedition like to take
much more than 'American Pucket' are on, with the representatives
around the world ( only Nafta countries drop not need formalitoies but
remember that you have to clear your economic freedom
, still, with the local authority, which in this contect is the City
Council of Pittsburg and the other areas, unless you get to premature
quorel, or stop the airlines).

To znaczy ze ludzie z Nafty' nie musza szukac permitow; a dla inych to
zawsze byla formalnosc jesli sie cos investowalo z gory tyle ze nie
zawsze znana; teraz pomagamy Nut Ginghrich ktory nawoluje aby znalezc
prace nawet jako biedak.

My juz to mamy.

3 mies pemit na busines automatic na granicy; 6 mis w biurze jesli
udalo sie podwoic $3000;
i progresywnie dalej. My tak to robimy. Senat pennsylvanii zrozumial
juz wiele; A jest tez tam duzo starych polonusow nie zawszxe zdajacych
sobie z tego sprawe. Car wcia usiluje zajac Montane i Erie.

Sa wielkie klamstwa i wieksze - jak np ze on to zrobi:))

** nie myslic z 'free will' dla nich za darmo.

Uzywajac Hayka, Gingricza i innych robimy im "reinvented will" * * that they need.

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