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W jakim kraju b臋d膮 呕yd贸w bez s膮 prawa"]

Data: 2015-08-03 07:05:28
Autor: A. Filip
W jakim kraju b臋d膮 呕yd贸w bez s膮 prawa"]
| World | Sun Aug 2, 2015 2:17pm EDT
| Israel approves jailing Jewish militants without trial to resolve lethal arson
| JERUSALEM | By Dan Williams
| | Israel's security cabinet approved on Sunday the detention of citizens
| suspected of waging violence against Palestinians without trial in a crackdown
| aimed at capturing the perpetrators of a lethal West Bank arson attack blamed
| on Jewish militants. [...]
| According to the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem, 5,442 Palestinians were
| in detention without trial as of June.
| The measure, which foreign critics see as a blow to due process of the law, has
| rarely been used against Israeli citizens.
| "To the best of my knowledge, there have been no instances of Israelis being
| held in administrative detention in recent years," said B'Tselem spokeswoman
| Sarit Michaeli. [...]

<ironia> Jak temu wrednemu rz膮dowi Izraela mog艂o przyj艣膰 do g艂owy stosowa膰
metody dobre na "z艂ych Palesty艅czyk贸w" _wobec 呕yd贸w_?! To膰 to jawny i oczywisty
antysemityzm! </ironia>

A. Filip  -- W Starych Kiejkutach CIA wyprodukowa艂a Kukli艅kisch 21 wieku.
Kochaj膮ce serce zawsze jest m艂ode.  (Przys艂owie greckie)

W jakim kraju b臋d膮 呕yd贸w bez s膮 prawa"]

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