Grupy dyskusyjne   »   pl.soc.polityka   »   With looks like yours, you Polish Volksdeutsch pretend to be us Slavs? :D

With looks like yours, you Polish Volksdeutsch pretend to be us Slavs? :D

Data: 2009-09-03 06:39:18
Autor: pan Piotr Glownia h. Godzyamba
With looks like yours, you Polish Volksdeutsch pretend to be us Slavs? :D
With looks like yours, you Polish Volksdeutsch pretend to be us Slavs?
Shame on you fakes! Have decency to look like I look and my Slavic
brethren look before you start impersonating us Slavs. Okay?

And about these genetic test of British and German peasantry,
which got into some British show few months ago.
Polish nobility was kind of prohibitive in issue of mixing with
every single emigrant peasant and imigrant burgher in Poland.
So be prepared for heavy shock of disappointment with
our noble Polish Slavic DNA.

Oh, and check word "mezalians" in your dictionaries, will you?

sarmackiej narodowości, pan Piotr Głownia h. Godzyamba
Jeszcze Sarmacja nie padła, jeszcze my Szlachta żyjemy!
Co nam polska Volksdeutsch przemoc skradła, szablą odbierzemy!

With looks like yours, you Polish Volksdeutsch pretend to be us Slavs? :D

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