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Zastosowania w zastanowieniu do nastawienia kultury psychicznej

Data: 2010-10-29 15:03:21
Autor: docent
Zastosowania w zastanowieniu do nastawienia kultury psychicznej
Witajcie pan...stwo

Zalozylem watek z nieco nadnormatywna wymowa .
Samo zdecydowanie wejscia moze latwizna. Gorzej z watpliwosciami mojej premiery.
Moze zauwazacie u mnie stresik, ale to moze minac.
Aplauz przed koncem tresci bylby sztuczny.
Zreszta, skrzywienie po akapicie rowniez malo naturalne. Takze rozwazalbym zachowac obojetnosc i przejsc do formalnosci .
To tyle wstepem masowym powiedzmy jakby.

No coz by tu napisac swojego w roli nieco apolitycznej...
ktora cieszy .
Statystyki, jak sie narodowi uklada, to moze potem, nie odpowiadajcie odrazu.

Wlasciwie ,moze zaczynac oszczednie (sie malo wie)
to nie jest zle. Przykladowo po co to wypominac duzo ,
o blednym przefinansowaniu dla administracji partii-
i przepraszac- urzedow i urzednikow.
Bez gestykulacji to nie potrafie przemowic,
ale tez nieprosze o przebaczenie kogokolwiek wyobrazni.

Moje zdziwienie tematem dotyczy mnie osobiscie
Otoz tak sie zlozylo ,
iz perspektywiczny pracownik kulturalny ,
nie moze liczyc na wielki kapital obciazajac skarb panstwowy z przynaleznego mu resortu.
Podaja z parlamentu ,
iz powinien umowic sie z jakas instytucja innego ministra,
ktora zleci mu wykonanie jakiegos zadania tj. prawnie.
byle byla to firma prywatna wyloniona przetargowo.

Poniewaz wylecialo mi z glowy co mialem wymyslone
albo jego pomyslna czesc...(pomyslnosc glosowania)...
nie moge se przypomniec calkiem w tym pedzie...
Pozwolcie ,ze przez jakis czas bede probowal sie....
 wyluzowac w tym zagadnieniu. Mam treme przed tym , zeby to mnie nie spielo bardziej.
Wtedy sie oburzam i trace kontrole nad tym, aby to nie przelazilo na innych.
Napewno bede staral sie zlagodzic jakos inaczej.. i jakby bylo tragicznie, to poprostu przestane dyskutowac. To nie jest moj pierwszy post w internecie
jaki czytalem, ale oprocz tego jeszcze nie pisalem.
Zdaje sobie sprawe ,ze moment i moga byc lepsi.
Pomyslalem, ze co mi tam... kariera jeszcze lepsza.
Moze nie byc placone normalnie,
wazne,ze sie ciagnie los az do puli wygranej..mozliwej

Dlatego ,ze jestem troche zdenerwowany,
oraz dopiero teraz stosuje potencjalne doktorstwo.
Zastanawiam sie juz , jak pomoc sobie...........nie tylko ludziom mediow ,
wyjsc na prosta.
Nie chce tak jak tamci... ciagle kombinowac.
Nie zeby Show-biznes umyslowy sie w kraju zuzywal.
Poprostu chce byc spokojniejszy..
Tak naprawde ( nie chorowac i w przyszlosci).
Bo wezmy ,
tacy starsi politycy z aktorow jak kto woli aktorzy z politykow -nie istotne narazie .
Oni to niby maja dobrze, juz ich przekaz ocenili i trzezwo zdarzylismy zaakceptowac..
Ale juz po 5 , a nawet 20 latach tolerancji.
Dopiero mozna ?
I co z tego ze tak dlugo?
Tylko placimy jakies fiskusy i nic nie widzimy znaczaco zmian.
(poza tym ,ze postepuja dziury)
A mnie chodzi ,zeby te naklady sie zwracaly.
Chyba zadnemu nie udalo sie zaplacic mniej
nawet jesli nie korzysta z drog.
Im wiecej importujesz ropy do paliwa- pomagasz panstwu.
Wspierasz inne kraje? Podziel sie z Polską.
Co zarobia to musza oddac,
( nie wspominam o alimentach ).
No , ale moze skonstruujemy wspolnie z sasiadami,
wiecej ludzi pracujacych,
a nie wiecej dochodow od jednego ...
Ktos moze znalezc wyjscie i wogole zlikwidowac panstwa.
Zwiazek juz taki jeden sie rozwiazal sam i spytajcie ich czy ma taki zamiar u siebie.
A Niemcy chetnie wzielyby do siebie jakis obwod
np. kaliningradzki.
Wiemy jak ciezko jest potem odtworzyc granice,
nawet z czegos tak duzego wczym byla Polska.
Szkoda ,ze cuda czesto sie nie zdarzaja.
Zatem zamiast przynudzac wina gdzies za rurociagi,
mniejmy na uwadze , iz rura ma drugi koniec ze wschodu w Polsce jedna (ta przemijajaca), a druga polnocna gdzie indziej.
Chocby to bylo wbrew ideologii integracji stanowej,
Polacy powinni zmniejszac bezrobocie.
Chocby komus wydawalo sie ,
ze przyczyna nieodpowiedzialnych lezy w sondazach.
Niewazne skutecznosci wiekszosci koalicyjnej ?
To nie powod by opozycja, miala tylko oponowac , by podobni tacy , nie byli politykami .
Wielka rzecz! Dla mnie nie pojeta sprawa.
Niczego nie robic? Zeby nie byo niczego.
To nic smiesznego. Wy to jakos rozumiecie .
Niechcecie pracowac 6 godzin etatu to se zostajecie i robicie, nawet na poletatu.

Chociaz jak sie dowiadujemy ostatnio planuja cos w sejmie i sie niewyglupiaja...
W Polsce dzis mlody w koncu znajdzie prace w wieku 70 lat,
bo pozostali na emeryturze (tak sie niby uparli),
a no to bedzie mogl sie wtedy zatrudniac...
Przelomowe!! Wtym pokoleniu napasc nam nie grozi.
Jak oni na to wpadli! Przeciez to takie skomplikowane.
Zmiany w ZUSie, wiecej kosztownego administrowania placacych ZUS..
Jakby znalazly sie pieniadze ,
to moze z takich paranoicznych audycji nalezaloby spoleczenstwo leczyc.
Co naprawiaja wlasne portfele ich autorow. Mamy tak ,ze nie ma kasy na leczenie, to nie ma sprawnego systemu.
Odwaznych zabijac takowo realizatorow to na front misji pokojowych poza terytorium na stale.

Poki starczy na bezplatne pokarmy bezdomnym
nie przejmujemy sie wypowiedziami podobnych zdan.
Zal , (po 8 godzinach poprawiania takiej objetosci bajtow)
ze przemeczone redaktorstwo nie da nam nawet pochichrac sie
z nowych alternatyw lewicowych i chwali sie ciagle ta sama. Nie przeraza was ich poczucie humoru?
Dobrze jak ktos nie jest ponurym,
lecz czy dla pocieszenia , ze wiecej ludzi jest umierajacych z ubustwa niz bogacenia,
to ma byc te pare bogatszych ludzi?
A im w wiekszych liczbach bedziemy operowac,
w tysiacach czy milionach to swietniej !
Fajna radocha. Takie czarne anegdotki w tle, tak ?
Do czego to doprowadza skupianie sie na pierdolach.
Bez dokladnosci brak prezyzji,
tyle,ze jaszcze mniej jej jak brak szczegolow.

Nie bede was nastrajal w skrajnosc raeliow.
Spojrzmy w oczy strasznej rzeczywistosci ograniczajac filozofowanie.
Co to tam taki Zusik... to taki musik..
Nie tylko w Polsce, najgorsze ministerstwa jakie maja byc,
to budzet ZUS i sluzby zdrowia.
Wystarczy spojrzec, na majatek doktora i siedzibe gmachu ZUSu. Czad. Kto by nie chcial takiej posady...
prywatyzowac, reformowac, dyrektorowac, prezesowac,
Licho niech spi ,konkurent nie .
Nic tylko sie zabawic poki jest prowizja.
Niepotrzebny jakis patriotyzm , kibice.. przed rozsprzedaniem barw i godla .
Oni to se moga wyemigrowac , a nie spotkanie w krrit wyemitowac.
Zamiast tego obowiazkowo we wszystkich radiach
w kazda niedziele msza swieta albo chociaz religia lektura w szkolach przetrwa.
Kazde zahamowanie ma swoja cene
i bedzie sie glosic tak dla przeszlych oligarchow ,
nie dla wspolczesnych .
Za ekstraklase , ksieza musza czyms ekstra jezdzic, badzmy ludzmi.
A jak pojawila sie pierwsza liga jednorazowo
to i tak beda w publicznej do wygrania.
Taki proces. Nie ma wsparcia wychowania fizycznego
jest ogolne parcie na szklo .
Jak szybko nie~koscielnych zniechecic do profesjonalnego futbolu.
Kibicujacych zachecic do agresji?
Alez skad. Nie trzeba .
Zbiorowy rehot fanow jakos powstrzymal obo.
Co bedzie dalej z przeciwnego kierunku takiego nazwijmy to zaworka?
Rozrywka dla antysympatykow moze "puscic"....
Zwyczajnie niczym puszcza uszczelka bokiem... hu, hu

W obecnej terazniejszosci mozna odkrecic wszelkie nieprawidlowosci.
Wiec nie mowcie kiedys ,
ze wam sie seriale filmowe w tv.irtualnej Polskiej
nie podobaja.. Hu, hu.
Przestaly, to zrobcie taki eksperyment regenerujacy-
pojdzcie do obcego kina kiedy bedzie po seansie.
Usiadzcie przed ekranem, niech puszcza wam obraz
z monitoringu....
jesli rozplaczecie sie ze wzruszenia dobroci uczynku,
tez sie pozniej dobrze poczujecie.
Macie do wyciagniecia nog ze trzy ligi rzedow ,
zerowa (zeby nie mylilo sie z pierwsza od tylu), pierwsza i druga w szeregu sa te ligii.
Jak spora hala bedzie nawet srednio zajeta.
Niedoczekanie jak ktos malo urosl..
tudziez za malo wychylil z nogi.
Na tyle dlugo jak 3 programy niekomercyjne... Taki rozsiad, to jest dopiero komfort, nie jakas przecietnosc.
Oczywiscie zalezy co bedzie sie.. akurat dzialo nad scena
Zreszta , co ja pisze,
roznie to moze byc-
niektore salki nie maja wcale podestu pod sciana projekcyjna.
Unia nam smuty wynagrodzi- nie martretujmy sie- skladac wnioski Europie i rozpowszechniac wlasne koncepcje.

Dziekuje ludowi rozkrecaniu wolnosci slowa w naszym jezyku biednym nastepnym pokoleniom.
Niech ojczyzny adresy przezyja nas .
Sieci nie wylaczac. Bez granic kosmos.
Kosmonauci , internauci za darmo , hej  p.s
 Nie kopcie pilki,
 Chodzcie do amfiteatrow na spektakle meczowe .
 Wykupujcie loze vipom.


Data: 2010-10-29 17:35:08
Autor: nntp199
Zastosowania w zastanowieniu do nastawienia kultury psychicznej
Wkońcu przejrzałem i spora ta ulotka.
Tytuł chyba sie nawet nie zmiescił w formularzu tematu nadania
panie docencie


Data: 2010-10-29 20:32:51
Autor: pluton
Zastosowania w zastanowieniu do nastawienia kultury psychicznej
Witajcie pan...stwo

mozna poprosic o streszczenie w 2 zdaniach ?

P.L.U.T.O.N.: Positronic Lifeform Used for Troubleshooting and Online

Data: 2010-10-29 12:28:49
Autor: ,
Zastosowania w zastanowieniu do nastawienia kultury psychicznej
On Oct 29, 2:32 pm, "pluton" <> wrote:
> Witajcie pan...stwo

mozna poprosic o streszczenie w 2 zdaniach ?

P.L.U.T.O.N.: Positronic Lifeform Used for Troubleshooting and Online

A tez w zaleznosci od gustow i jezykow, przerobmy jeszcze raz:
zaleznienie losow swiata od najwazniejszej itoty w zyciu.
Sekretem jest ze Freud tylko napedzal agresje nim a nie uzywal  go
zgodnie z przeznaczeniem. A w ogole to zaleznosci rozwojowe
sa opisane przez post freudowcow.

Niestety tylko po angielsku.Oedipus Complex

Disciplines > Psychoanalysis > Concepts > Oedipus Complex

Description | Discussion | See also

In the Oedipus complex, a boy is fixated on his mother and competes
with his father for maternal attention.

The opposite, the attraction of a girl to her father and rivalry with
her mother, is sometimes called the Electra complex.

Sexual awakening
At some point, the child realizes that there is a difference between
their mother and their father. Around the same time they realize that
they are more alike to one than the other. Thus the child acquires

The child may also form some kind of erotic attachment to the parent
of the opposite sex. Whilst their understanding of the full sexual act
may be questioned, some kind of primitive physical sensations are felt
when they regard and think about the parent in question.

The primitive desire for the one parent may also awaken in the child a
jealous motivation to exclude the other parent.

Transferring of affections may also occur as the child seeks to become
independent and escape a perceived 'engulfing mother'.

A critical point of awakening is where the child realizes that the
mother has affections for others besides itself.

Primitive jealousies are not necessarily constrained to the child and
and both parents may join in the game, both in terms of competing with
each other for the child's affections and also competing with the
child for the affection of the other parent.

Note that opposition to parents may not necessarily be sexually based
-- this can also be a part of the struggle to assert one's identity
and rebellion against parental control.

The process of transitioning
A critical aspect of the Oedipal stage is loosening of the ties to the
mother of vulnerability, dependence and intimacy. This is a natural
part of the child becoming more independent and is facilitated by the
realization that the mother desires more than just the child.

The Oedipal move blocks the routes of sexual and identification love
back to the mother. She becomes a separate object, removed from his
ideal self. Thus she can be the subject of object love.

This separation and externalization of love allows a transition away
from narcissism of earlier stages.

The father's role in this is much debated. In a number of accounts,
such as Lacan's symbolic register, the child transitions their
attentions from mother to father.

The father effectively says 'You must be like me -- you may not be
like the mother -- you must wait to love her, as I do.' The child thus
also learns to wait and share attention.

The boy thus returns to the mother as a separate individual. That
separation may be emphasized with scorn and a sense of mastery over
women. that can also be seen in the long separation of boys and girls
in play and social relationships. This is a source of male denigration
of women.

Women become separated reminders of lost and forbidden unity. Their
unique attributes, from softness to general femininity are, in
consequence, also lost and must be given up as a part of the
distancing process. Women become thus both desired and feared. The
symbolic phallus becomes a means of protection for the boy and the
rituals of mastery used to cover up feelings of loss.

Separation leads to unavailability and hence the scarcity principle
takes effect, increasing desire. Women thus create a tension in boys
between a lost paradise and dangerous sirens.

Excessive separation leads to a sense of helplessness that can in turn
lead to patterns of idealized control and self-sufficiency.

Whilst the boy becomes separated from the mother, it is a long time
before he can be independent of her and hence must develop a working
relationship that may reflect the tension of love and difference he

The relationship thus may return to a closer mother-son tie, where the
point of healthy distance is a dynamically negotiated position, such
that comforting is available but is required only upon occasion.

What about the girls?
Most writings about the Oedipal stage focus largely or exclusively on
boys, who are seen to have a particular problem as they start with an
attachment to the Mother that they have to relinquish both from the
point of view of individual independence and especially as a result of
the social incest taboo which forbids excessively-close in-family

The Electra complex, identified by Carl Jung, occurs where a triangle
of mother-father-daughter plays out is not a part of traditional
psychoanalysis. It is neither a direct mirror image of Oedipus, as the
start position is female-female connection.

Jung suggested that when the girl discovers she lacks penis that her
father possesses, she imagines she will gain one if he makes her
pregnant, and so moves emotionally closer to him. She thus resents her
mother who she believe castrated her.

The father symbolizes attractive power and a potentially hazardous
male-female relationship is formed, with predictable jealousies and
envy as the mother completes the triangle. The dangers of incestuous
abuse add, and perhaps develop, the female position of siren

Girls, as well as boys, need to find independence and their separation
from the mother is a matter of creating a separate femininity. This is
not as strong a separation as boys and girls can sustain a closer
female-female relationships with the mothers. This perhaps explains
something of why relationships with others is a more important part of
a female life than it is for a male.

The father does provide a haven from female-female jealousies, and so
a healthy father-daughter relationship may be built, that also
includes appropriate distance. As with mother-son, once the incest
taboos are established, a uniquely satisfying opposite-sex
relationship can be built, although secret desires for the father can
result in the girl feeling some guilt about the relationship.

There are three common threads in the Oedipus complex: The primacy of
the desire for one-ness, the maternal embodiment of this and the
necessity of paternal intervention.

Historical Oedipus
In the Greek play by Sophocles, Laius, king of Thebes, is told by an
oracle that he would be killed by his son and so leaves Oedipus out on
the mountainside to die. Oedipus is rescued by a shepherd and taken to
the king of Corinth who raises him as a son.

Oedipus, in turn, is told by the Delphic oracle that he will kill his
father and marry his mother. Horrified by this, he flees Corinth. At a
crossroads he meets Laius, quarrels and kills him. At Thebes, he
correctly answers the sphinx's question and hence wins the hand of
Jocasta, his real mother, with whom he had two sons and two daughters.
When at last the truth comes out, Jocasta hangs herself and Oedipus,
finding her, blinds himself with her golden brooch.

Electra was the daughter of Agamemnon who helped plan the murder of
her mother.

Freud puts the Oedipal stage as occurring between 3-5 years. He
considers it a stage where the child experiences an erotic attachment
to one parent and hostility toward the other parent. The ensuing
triangular tension is seen as being the root of most mental disorders.

Freud cites the incest taboo as as at the root of many other
prohibitions. He sees the struggle against this as a core part of this
development period with transgressions in practice and phantasy.

'We cannot get away from the assumption that man's sense of guilt
springs from the Oedipus complex and was acquired at the killing of
the father by the brothers banned together'. (Freud, 1930)

Freud links the Oedipus complex with development the superego, which
uses guilt to prevent continuation of incestuously oriented

Failure to get past this trigger point and into the symbolic order is
considered to be a classic cause of lasting neurosis.

For Lacan, the mother is characterized by 'lack' of a phallus. The pre-
Oedipal child tries to make good the lack. But the mother desires the
phallus that will cover over her division in language. The child then
realizes its own lack, or 'castration' and seeks to speak or use words
such that it can stand in for that which is missing.

The child can hence either speak itself from the position of 'having
the phallus' or lacking it. Having a penis, boys are more likely to
take the former position. However, taking this position requires
living up to the god-like status of having the phallus.

Note that Lacan considered that the Oedipal stage can be successfully
navigated without the father, as long as cultural norms and
prohibitions can be met, as it is these, rather than the father
himself which facilitates the way through

Jacqueline Rose uses Lacan to show how sexual identity is acquired
through the Oedipus crisis, rather than being something innate.

Melanie Klein, through her work with young children, saw Oedipal
conflict occurring much earlier than Freud and involving part-objects
rather than whole parent-figures, and including infantile sadism. How
early this starts has been questioned including a consideration that
some version of the Oedipal stage occurring almost from the very
beginning, at least in phantasy. She see emotional and sexual
development occurring:
 '...from early infancy onwards includes genital sensations and
trends, which constitute the first stages of the inverted [desire
toward the same-sex parent and aggression toward opposite sex one] and
positive Oedipus complex.' (Klein, 1945)

She places the Oedipal complex as occurring in the paranoid-schizoid
position, where the infant's world is largely split and relations are
mainly to part-objects. Thus the Oedipal stage involves working
through the paranoid-schizoid position to the depressive position.

As well as the classic early Oedipus complex, Klein also identifies
the Oedipal situation which occurs throughout life.

She saw how children realizes a sexual link between parents at an
early age, but perceives it through the infantile experience, thus
conceiving of feeding one another, devouring one another, or even
exchanging bodily excretions.

Wilfred Bion placed the Oedipus complex even earlier than Klein,
hypothesizing an innate oedipal preconception.

He related pairing to the Oedipal stage and the importance of the
family group. Early group setting are familial or kinship and these
are used as later templates for group activity, and early anxieties
may reappear.

Other notes
A common experience in families is that the opposite gender
relationships of mother-son and father-daughter are stronger than same-
sex relationships, where there may be intra-gender rivalries, for
example where the daughter continues to compete with the mother for
the father's attention. In most cases, the incest taboo holds and this
is a relatively harmless attachment.

Oedipus represents responsibility and guilt, in contrast to Narcissus,
who represents self-involvement and denial of reality. Oedipus is an
escape from early fantasy of omnipotence.

The gender polarity that Oedipus creates is echoed in modern feminist
concerns and male confusion as rights issues erode instinctive

Moving away from the mother, for the boy, is also a part of instilling
the incest taboo."



See also
Freud, S. (1930). Civilization and Its Discontents, Standard Edition,
Klein, M. (1945) 'The Oedipus Complex in the Light of Early
Anxieties', International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 26, 11-33

Zastosowania w zastanowieniu do nastawienia kultury psychicznej

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