Grupy dyskusyjne   »   pl.rec.rowery   »   Złe wieści :-(

Złe wieści :-(

Data: 2010-06-16 13:09:55
Autor: looty
Złe wieści :-(
On 16 Cze, 16:16, piotrt <> wrote:


Ano nie najlepsze :\

"A Belgian study finds that bicyclists on urban streets inhale tens of
millions of toxic nanoparticles with each breath, taking in five times
as much as drivers and pedestrians on the same streets."

Dzięki za linka, ciekawy artykuł. Warto przeczytać również komentarze
do niego, oto fragment jednego z nich:

"How bout an article on the psychological difference between sitting
in traffic unable to move despite the apparently-powerful mechanism at
one's disposal vs feeling both free and unencumbered and slightly
vulnerable but making steady, hard-won, substantial self-powered
progress toward one's goal. If that's not a metaphor for oiligarchy vs
radical democracy with strong psychological, physiololgical, social,
political and philosphical implications (not to mention influencing
what science studies) I don't know what is."



Złe wieści :-(

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