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dla przypomnienia! Zydzi sprowadzili na ruskich ,polakow i reszte swiata : komune

Data: 2010-04-24 03:46:27
Autor: muto2100
dla przypomnienia! Zydzi sprowadzili na ruskich ,polakow i reszte swiata : komune

"The Katyn Massacre"

A background noise that seems never to go away is the constant whining
and yammering of the Jews about how the world owes them a living
because of their losses during the so-called "Holocaust." They do it,
of course, because they make such a big profit on it. The latest flare-
up of this Jewish play for a handout came more than a year ago when
they began demanding that the Swiss pay them $7 billion, which
"Holocaust" victims allegedly had stashed in numbered Swiss accounts
before being hauled off to gas chambers during the Second World War.
With a few "bought" Gentile politicians fronting for them, the
foremost among these being New York's Senator Alphonse D'Amato, the
Jews threatened Switzerland with a boycott by the U.S. government if
their demands were not met. Instead of laughing in their faces,
telling the Jews to go to hell, and gearing up for countermeasures
against Israel and other Jewish interests if the Jews tried to proceed
with a boycott, the Swiss politicians tried to placate the Jews by
offering to buy them off. The Jews took the Swiss response as a sign
of weakness and escalated their demands.

The average Swiss citizen seems to have a little more pride than
Switzerland's elected officials, however, and resentment against the
Jews' extortion efforts is building in Switzerland now to the point
that some of that country's richest Jews are wearing bulletproof vests
whenever they must go out in public. In general, however, this
"Holocaust"-based extortion racket works quite well for the Jews, and
they have expanded their demands for World War Two reparations to
include a number of other countries besides Switzerland. They are even
whining that the Vatican owes them because Pope Pius XII didn't do
enough to save them from the Germans during the war. The Jews'
brazenness in this whole business is quite breathtaking. Their
brazenness is justified, because by and large they have been getting
away with it. They have been getting away with it because with their
media control they have been able to distort the general public's
perception of what happened during the Second World War. They have
been able to portray themselves as innocent victims and everyone else
as persecutors and aggressors, even the people who were fighting on
the Jewish side against the Germans during the war. They have done
quite a bit of whining that after the Red Army drove the Germans from
Poland, the Poles took the opportunity to lynch hundreds of Jews in
1945 and 1946: Jews whom the Germans somehow had failed to get rid of
during their wartime occupation of Poland.

Why would the Poles do something like that? Why would they lynch the
poor Jews, who had been on their side during the war? If you learned
about the war from watching Steven Spielberg propaganda films and
other mass-media sources, you probably believe that it was because of
religious anti-Semitism on the part of the Catholic Poles. Let me tell
you the real reason why so many Poles hated Jews after the war. It's
something the Jew-controlled media in America haven't said much about.
Let me tell you about what happened in the Katyn Forest in 1940. In
September 1939 Poland was invaded from the west by Germany and from
the east by the Soviet Union. The Germans wanted back the territory in
western Poland, including the city of Danzig, which had been taken
from them at the end of the First World War. The Soviets wanted
eastern Poland. The Germans and the Soviets divided Poland between
them, with the boundary running roughly along the River Bug. Britain
and France, both under strong Jewish pressure, declared war on Germany
in September 1939, ostensibly because of Germany's invasion of Poland.
They did not declare war on the Soviet Union, which also had invaded
Poland. In the United States and in western Europe, where the Jews
held a deathgrip on the mass media, a great deal of anti-German
propaganda was based on the German grab for Polish territory -- much
of which, of course, actually was historically German territory -- and
nothing was said of the Soviet occupation and annexation of eastern

The reason for this anti-German and pro-Soviet bias by the Jewish
media was that the Jews were riding high in the Soviet Union as
commissars and communist party bosses under Stalin, while in Germany
Hitler had undertaken a program since 1933 of freeing Germany from all
Jewish influence. Jews had been weeded out of the media, the law, the
schools, and other areas of economic and cultural life in Germany.
Before Hitler became chancellor in 1933 the Jews had done in Germany
what they do in every country where they gain a foothold: they had
monopolized large sections of the mass media and certain professions
and were doing their best to distort German culture, German society,
and the German economy to suit themselves. Hitler put a stop to that,
and two-thirds of the 1933 Jewish population of Germany had emigrated
by the invasion of Poland in September 1939. So the Jews hated Germany
and were determined to do whatever they could to destroy her.

For his part, Hitler hoped to avoid war with Britain and France. He
hoped that after his quick victory in western Poland he could make
peace with both countries. He was determined, however, to stamp out
communism wherever he encountered it. Not only did he hate communism
on ideological grounds, but he had sworn to fight communism when the
communists in Germany betrayed his country at the end of the First
World War. Hitler also saw the Soviet Union as a threat to all of
Europe, and he was determined to break the power of that country when
he could, even though there was an uneasy non-aggression pact between
Germany and the Soviet Union in 1939, at the time of their partition
of Poland. In the spring of 1941 massive troop movements and other
developments inside the Soviet Union convinced Hitler that Stalin was
preparing to invade the west with the Red Army, and so in June 1941
Hitler made a preemptive strike. German forces smashed through the Red
Army and made rapid advances, first through Soviet-occupied eastern
Poland and then through Ukraine and into Russia. A year and a half
later, in February 1943, German forces near Smolensk, in western
Russia, investigated reports they heard from Russian civilians to the
effect that a large number of prisoners had been murdered by the
Soviet secret police in the area nearly three years earlier. The
German investigators were led by local Russians to a series of mounds
in a wooded area known locally as Katyn Forest, about 10 miles west of
Smolensk. The forest is named for a village, Katyn, which it
surrounds. The forest had been privately owned prior to the Bolshevik
Revolution of 1917, but after the communist takeover of Russia the
area had been confiscated by the government and part of the forest had
been turned over to the NKVD, the Soviet equivalent of the American

The Germans began digging in the mounds in the Katyn Forest and made a
horrible discovery. They found corpse after corpse, each with its
hands bound behind its back and a bullet hole in the base of its
skull. They continued their excavations for more than a month, and
eventually uncovered more than 4,000 corpses. Other bodies may have
remained buried in other mounds, but the Germans had no time to dig up
the whole forest. Instead they called in the International Red Cross
and representatives of various neutral countries to examine their
findings. They also brought in groups of Allied prisoners of war,
including Americans, from prison camps in Germany to view the graves
in the Katyn Forest. They gave these international inspectors complete
freedom to examine the exhumed bodies, permitted doctors among them to
conduct autopsies, even allowed them to dig up other bodies from one
of the mounds which had not been completely excavated. The Germans
asked only that the inspectors report back truthfully to their own
governments about their observations. And in fact, most of them did.
What they reported was that the bodies were those of Polish military
officers, along with a number of civilian cultural leaders, business
leaders, and intellectuals -- scientists, writers, and poets -- who
had been in the portion of Poland occupied by the Soviet Union in
September 1939. Altogether the Soviet secret police had rounded up
some 15,000 Polish leaders in 1939 -- including nearly half of the
entire Polish officer's corps, the half that had the misfortune of
being in eastern Poland at the time -- and put them in three
concentration camps in Russia: at Starobelsk, Kozelsk, and Ostashkov.
All of the bodies unearthed in the Katyn Forest were of Polish leaders
who had been confined at one of these camps: Starobelsk. Rounding up a
country's leaders and killing them was standard practice for the
communists. The theory was that the leaders were bourgeois oppressors
of the working class and deserved to die. As egalitarians the
communists did not regard the Polish officers and intellectuals as
inherently better or more valuable human material than the average
Polish criminal or bum; the officers had simply used their class
advantage to gain a better life-style for themselves. Of course, no
one really believed that theory except the criminals, bums, and other
resentful losers and ne'er-do-wells who made up the natural communist
constituency. As a practical matter, however, killing all the leaders
and potential leaders of a conquered people made them easier to
govern. That's what the Marxists had done in Russia, Ukraine, and the
Baltic countries.

In the case of the Poles there was a bit of a diplomatic problem,
though. The Poles supported the war Britain and France had declared
against Germany, purportedly on their behalf, because they viewed that
as their one hope for getting back at least the western part of their
country. They were not happy about the Russians taking the eastern
part of Poland, but the Russians at least were fellow Slavs. The thing
to do was get rid of the Germans first and then worry about the
Russians. This Polish strategy suited Stalin fine. But it made it
desirable for him to avoid alienating the Poles any more than
necessary. When Polish exiles asked about their imprisoned leaders in
late 1939 and early 1940, the Soviet government promised that they
would be released shortly. Meanwhile, the decision had been made to
kill all of them. And so in April 1940 the Polish leaders were taken
from the three camps where they had been imprisoned, trucked off to
various liquidation sites, and murdered. The ones who had been
imprisoned at Starobelsk all went to the NKVD area of the Katyn
Forest. After the war some of the NKVD executioners were interviewed
in Israel and described how they had carried out the killings. The
Poles were driven up to the burial pits in long NKVD prison trucks
known as "black ravens." They were pulled from the trucks one at a
time by NKVD guards. Each Polish prisoner had his hands bound behind
his back and then was dragged to the edge of a pit. There he was held
by two NKVD men while a third fired a pistol bullet into the back of
his head. Some of the officers had their coats pulled over their heads
to keep them from seeing what was happening before they were shot.
Some struggled and were bayoneted by NKVD guards before being shot and
thrown into the pit. When all of the officers from Starobelsk had been
killed, some 4,400 of them, the Katyn Forest burial pits were covered
with dirt and pine trees were planted on them. The locations of the
mass graves of the prisoners from the camps at Kozelsk and Ostashkov
remain unknown, but none of the 15,000 Polish officers and
intellectuals rounded up by the NKVD in September 1939 was seen alive
after April 1940.

The Red Cross representatives and the Allied prisoners the Germans
brought in to examine the mass graves in the Katyn Forest understood
after their examination not only who had been killed; they also
understood who had killed them. This was apparent not only from the
medical estimates of the length of time the bodies had been buried,
but also from documentary evidence on the bodies. Diaries, news
clippings, letters, and other personal papers removed from the
clothing of the victims all told the same story: the latest dates on
any of these papers were from mid-April 1940. The Polish leaders had
been killed in April 1940, when they were prisoners of the Soviet
Union and when the Katyn region was under Soviet control. And this is
what they reported back to their governments. So what do you think
happened? Were the British and American governments horrified to
discover that their "gallant Soviet ally," as the Soviet Union was
referred to by the mass media, was a mass murderer? Did the British
government, which had gone to war against Germany under the pretext of
defending Poland, decide that it had made a mistake? Did anyone
condemn the Soviet Union for this act of genocide against the Poles?
Of course not! The Allied governments ordered their people who had
inspected the Katyn site to keep their mouths shut, and the Jewish
media immediately began announcing that the Germans had done it. A
mass murder of Polish officers and intellectuals by the Nazis had been
discovered in the Katyn Forest, the New York Times and the rest of the
Jewish media shrieked. Poor Poles! Wicked Germans! The war must go on
to free the poor Poles and punish the wicked Germans. And the war did
go on, killing millions of more Germans, Britons, Americans, and other
Europeans. And the Germans were indeed punished. The Poles, of course,
were not freed. Instead they were turned over to the Reds, who had
butchered their leaders in the Katyn Forest, and made to suffer under
communist rule for half a century. The war went on after the German
discovery of the mass graves in the Katyn Forest, because its purpose
from the beginning was not to free Poland but to destroy Germany,
which had dared to free itself from the Jews. Roosevelt understood
this. Churchill understood this. But the American and British people
didn't understand it, of course, because they were lied to by the
Jewish media and by their own governments, who in 1943, as in 1998,
did whatever was politically expedient. And what is politically
expedient has been what the Jewish media bosses have decided.

The lies about Katyn were maintained by the media for some years after
the end of the war, because these lies meshed nicely with the
"Holocaust" story which was making so much money for the Jews.
Nowadays, of course, the truth about the Katyn murders is generally
accepted by historians everywhere. You can go into almost any large
library and read about it and even see the gruesome photographs that
the Germans took of the Polish bodies they dug up. One of several
authoritative books on the subject is J.K. Zawodny's Death in the
Forest: the Story of the Katyn Forest Massacre, published in 1962 by
the University of Notre Dame Press. None of this is publicized a la
Steven Spielberg for the illumination of American television
audiences, of course. It still might undermine the Jews' "Holocaust"
racket. In 1945 and 1946, although the deceived citizens of the
Western world didn't know the truth about Katyn, Polish patriots did.
The word had gotten back to the Polish prisoners in German camps from
the Poles the Germans had taken to examine the graves. After the war,
when these Polish prisoners were freed, the word spread to other
Poles. They knew that it was the communists, not the Nazis, who had
murdered their leaders, who had beheaded their nation. And they knew
who was behind communism -- from the Jew, Karl Marx, who started the
whole business, to the Jewish commissars in Soviet-occupied Poland.
They knew who had welcomed their Soviet conquerors and then
collaborated with those conquerors. And so it is hardly surprising
that in 1945 and 1946 a few Polish patriots organized lynchings of
Jews in Poland, before the Reds had a chance to clamp down and
suppress any further expressions of anti-communist or anti-Jewish
feeling. The Polish dislike of Jews isn't surprising. What is
surprising is that so few patriots in America and Britain have
expressed their outrage against the Jews, not only for what they did
to the Poles during and after the war, but for what they have done to
us: lying to us and using us to wage their wars for them. If patriots
study the Katyn story and take its lesson to heart, they will
understand why they cannot trust either the mass media or any
government which dances to the tune played by the media. Franklin
Roosevelt and Winston Churchill were as much liars and traitors as
Bill Clinton and Tony Blair. You might remember Katyn the next time
you hear the Jews or some of their bought politicians whining about
how much gold was stolen from them by the Swiss or how badly the Poles
and the Germans treated them during the Second World War.,7340,L-3342999,00.html

dla przypomnienia! Zydzi sprowadzili na ruskich ,polakow i reszte swiata : komune

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