Grupy dyskusyjne   »   pl.soc.polityka   »   mmorpg


Data: 2014-10-23 12:42:56
Autor: tomkwi
Dear <Travian player who is destroying my only city>

Playing for some time I noticed that in all those micro payment multiuser games
there is a hidden feature of premium barier.
It is a limit of level which you can achieve
without paying to owner of game.
Of course it also depends a bit on player's strategic skills.

Such game as Travian also teaches something useful in real life.
I read advices of people who survived war on Jugoslavia
and they said that fisrt thing you need during civil war
is a group you can rely on, first of all close family, then close friends.
Second thing is firearms. Third thing is skill to produece something.
They mentioned a man who knew how to make gasoline lamps.
He did it and he didn't starve.

I don't find pleasure in destroying others, even if I would be able to.
If I had overwhelming power, I would effectively hide myslef and enjoy safety instead of attacking others. I think being able to defend is an ultimate victory.
In real life, strategy of just devouring other beings, leads to defeat.

I see that in this game, when playing without premium payments
it is a matter of luck, to survive long enough without being noticed and overrun.
Maybe it is a derivative of population density.
But what is a challenge in destroing someone weaker ? It is easy and it is not an achievement of strategical thinking.
Don't think I have a grudge for you. Destroing weakers you are just a power of nature.
Power of nature is innocent.

With regards
Tomasz Kwiecień


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