Grupy dyskusyjne   »   pl.soc.polityka   »   newsgroups


Data: 2012-01-06 17:28:21
Autor: hero
We have added a new Administrator. Please join me in welcoming Andrew on board as our
newest Admin. Please show him the same respect you show to the existing administrators, or

We are going to be switching our system of access, for these newsgroups.

At some point, hopefully before the end of the year, everyone will have to go through a
brief registration process in order to post. ANYONE will be able to read these groups,
however, posting will be limited to those who have registered, and thus have been forced
to agree to, and comply with, our rules, prior to posting.

There will be no cost associated with registration. The only thing that is changing, is
the method of accessing the newsgroups. Instead of giving out the server name, you will
need to access the groups via a URL.

This is an unfortunate response to our recent influx of spammers, and should limit
spamming and possibly enable some recourse against those who still do spam our groups.

We take our users privacy seriously, and no information gathered will be used for anything
other than administration of these groups. We strive to bring you a safe, comfortable
place to enjoy discussions.


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