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open letter to facebook

Data: 2014-10-23 13:31:20
Autor: tomkwi
open letter to facebook
Basing on christian concept of powers of soul - memory, intellect, will... Memory posesses, protects, intellect get to know, will creates and gives...
To get to know is to love. You are helping people to love themselves more. That is what will surely remain of you for eternity.

Three commings of Christ, as savior, as ruler, as judge...
Second coming will have jerusalem on earth, on big mountain, and anyone who will not praise god, will not have rain.
Such loose features of mesianic times
according to my current understanding of Bible...
There will be time of thousand yeras in which God will rule Earth himself
and will show men how to rule well one planet.
It is my intellectual entertainment to wonder
what good is in today's things and how many of them will remain in those times.
I think you could wonder about it too, and it could be your aim as company,
to approach as close as possible the system of sharing personal information that will be in God's kindgom.

Also I think a bit about rules applied by invincible system, because I want to include their description in novel which I plan to write.
A system made by man who has unlimited resources given by from God,
and in which each man can have a drone which protects him form psysical harm or harming view (and in general antyhing physical, sound, smell, radiation, poison, temperature, etc)...
System made by one man alone, observing other and taking patterns examples from them... Proposition made by character in my novel...
Transpose ten commandments into "rights to" :
God has right to be at first place, to be respected, to have soem time in week,
parent has right to raise his child, anyone has right to live,
anyone has rigth to give life, rigth to place on earth, rigth to information and truth, right to intimacy, right to privacy.

It is easy for me to judge big corporations, but today I noticed that I don't know if I will be in a position to judge.
I could be damned (or rather damn myslef).

Data: 2014-10-23 13:49:22
Autor: tomkwi
open letter to facebook
Powers of soul are worth attention because they are a feature of God's image in human nature.
Memory is an image of Father.
Intellect is an image of Son.
Will is an image of Spirit.

Source in Polish:

Data: 2014-10-23 13:54:03
Autor: tomkwi
open letter to facebook
You are helping people to love themselves more.

Sorry for my english, I meant "to love each other more"
(In polish: "siebie nawzajem")

Data: 2014-10-25 10:37:04
Autor: tomkwi
open letter to facebook
Data: 2014-10-25 19:40:07
Autor: u2
open letter to facebook
W dniu 2014-10-25 o 19:37, pisze:
Writing this I didn't know about:

gugl tysz to "umozliwial":)

General Skalski o zydach w UB :

"Rozanski, Zyd, kanalia najgorszego gatunku, razem z Brystigerowa, Fejginami, to wszystko (...) nie byli ludzie."

prof. PAN Krzysztof Jasiewicz o zydach :

"Zydow gubi brak umiaru we wszystkim i przekonanie, ze sa narodem
wybranym. Czuja sie oni upowaznieni do interpretowania wszystkiego,
takze doktryny katolickiej. Cokolwiek bysmy zrobili, i tak bedzie
poddane ich krytyce - za malo, ze zle, ze zbyt malo ofiarnie. W moim
najglebszym przekonaniu szkoda czasu na dialog z Zydami, bo on do
niczego nie prowadzi... Ludzi, ktorzy uzywają slow 'antysemita',
'antysemicki', nalezy traktowac jak ludzi niegodnych debaty, ktorzy
usiluja niszczyc innych, gdy brakuje argumentow merytorycznych. To oni
tworza mowe nienawisci".

open letter to facebook

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