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zapłaci 15 mln dol. za kreatywną księgowość

Data: 2009-08-12 12:31:23
Autor: mkarwan
zapłaci 15 mln dol. za kreatywną księgowość
Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, były prezes American International Group, zgodził się zapłacić 15 mln dolarów w związku z zarzutami, jakie stawia mu amerykańska Komisja Papierów Wartościowych i Giełdy (SEC).
Chodzi o stosowanie przez AIG księgowych sztuczek, które miały wpływ na wyniki finansowe w latach 2000-2005.
więcej w,1613561,0,1,starszy-pan-zaplaci-15-mln-dol-za-kreatywna-ksiegowosc,wiadomosc.html
A prominent Jewish businessman, Maurice Greenberg, wrote that he was "angered" by the proposed boycott. "Economic and social inclusion has always been the most powerful agent of change and builder of mutual trust," Mr. Greenberg, the chairman and CEO of C.V. Starr & Co. Inc. and former head of American International Group Inc., wrote in a heated commentary posted yesterday on the Web site of Forbes magazine under the headline, "Jews: Don't Boycott the Olympics!" "No one is going to successfully bully a powerful country like China. . I can see nothing to be achieved by policies of isolation, ostracism and boycotts," he wrote.
Mr. Greenberg, who has been involved in business deals in China for decades, praised China's history as a refuge for Jews. He mentioned Tibet only in passing, made no reference to China's extensive ties to Sudan, and minimized the notion that minorities in China are persecuted. "The constitution and laws of the People's Republic of China guarantee equal rights to all ethnic groups today," the business leader wrote.
Inne na temat Greenberga.

zapłaci 15 mln dol. za kreatywną księgowość

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